Prostatitis: causes, provoking factors, methods of treatment

The prostate gland synthesizesprostateimmunoglobulins, regulates the consistency of semen with the help of a specific secretion, controls the process of urination and ejaculation. The penetration of pathogens into the cavity of this organ provokes prostatitis - an inflammation that occurs in acute or chronic form.

Causes and mechanism of disease development

Prostatitis begins with the penetration and multiplication of pathogenic agents in the body cavity. These are extracellular pathogens or own microflora from the surface of the skin or mucous membranes:

  • colibacillus;
  • Proteus;
  • enterococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • enterobacter;
  • Pneumococcus.

In the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or infectious diseases of the internal organs, the lumen of the prostate gland can penetrate:

  • pale treponema;
  • ureaplasma;
  • Trichomonas;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Koch's bacillus.

The pathogenic flora enters the prostate ascending from the urethra. Less often - through the bloodstream or with the outflow of lymph from the infected organ. A number of provoking factors affect the rate of disease development and the intensity of symptoms:

  • abnormalities in the structure of the bladder neck;
  • urethral strictures;
  • the consequences of postoperative catheterization;
  • reduced immunity against the background of chronic and systemic diseases, hypothermia, physical overload, hard work;
  • impaired blood and lymph flow in the pelvic area;
  • promiscuous or irregular sex life

The active blood supply and moist, closed environment in the prostate cavity promote the unimpeded reproduction of pathogens. The secretion produced by the gland thickens, its outflow is disrupted. The infiltration gradually accumulates in the lumen, the inflammation progresses.

The course of acute prostatitis

Primary inflammation usually develops acutely. On average, the patient feels his clinical signs 5-7 days after infection. His symptoms are vivid, it is impossible not to notice them:

  • intense constant pain in the perineal area, radiating to the scrotum, penis, anus;
  • diuresis disorders: frequent, painful urination, false desires, sluggish, intermittent cloudy flow of urine:
  • serous or purulent discharge from the urethra with a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • general intoxication: chills, sharp rise in body temperature, physical weakness, weakness.

Most people with acute prostatitis have impaired sexual function. Arousal is either completely absent or does not lead to a normal erection and ability to have sex. Sperm may contain pus or blood.

The symptoms of bacterial prostatitis depend on the morphological changes and stages of the disease:

  • Catarrhal inflammation, which develops at the beginning, affects the channels of the body and leads to the appearance of deep dull pain. Fever is usually absent, health is generally satisfactory.
  • The inflammatory process affects one or both parts of the gland - follicular prostatitis progresses. The tissues swell, the amount of infiltrate in the lumen increases. The pain is constantly tormenting, increasing with movement. Difficulty urinating.
  • The parenchymal stage occurs when the entire body of the prostate is affected. The functioning of the bladder and rectum is difficult due to strong compression of the inflamed, swollen walls of the gland. The pain in the perineum becomes unbearable. Purulent and bloody impurities appear in the urine, body temperature rises to 39 ° C and more.

Delaying treatment provokes a chronic illness. Complications are possible: obstruction of the urethral canal, fistulas, abscesses, pyelonephritis, sepsis.

Chronic prostatitis

It develops from untreated acute, but more often it forms as a separate disease. Slow inflammation is caused by an insufficient immune response to the penetration of infection, a small number of pathogenic microorganisms or the aseptic nature of the disease. In the latter case, the pathology is provoked by stagnation of secretions, disorders in the structure of the prostate tissue, the patency of its channels.

Signs of intoxication and severe pain in chronic bacterial prostatitis appear only in exacerbations. During the latent period, the disease manifests itself with periodic urinary incontinence and physical discomfort. The desire to use the toilet is more common at night after you have been cold. Diuresis is sometimes accompanied by a slight burning sensation. Erectile dysfunction is common.

Chronic prostatitis can last for years with periodic exacerbations. The long-term course leads to the formation of fibrous areas in the parenchyma, provokes the development of impotence, infertility and oncological tumors.

How to diagnose and treat prostatitis

If you suspect the development of inflammation of the prostate, you should contact a urologist. The presumptive diagnosis is confirmed by a bacterial culture of glandular secretion. If it is impossible to obtain, a cytosmear from the urethra, a urine sample, semen are examined. In addition to bacterial seeding, blood and urine tests are performed, and an ultrasound of the prostate is performed.

The treatment of acute infectious prostatitis is performed in a clinical setting in the urology department.

  • The main focus is on suppressing the pathogen, relieving inflammation and preventing complications. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Injections of drugs from the groups of tetracyclines, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones or penicillins are used, depending on which infection caused the disease. Duration of therapy: from a few days to 2-4 weeks.
  • Exhaustively, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory painkillers and antispasmodics are prescribed to restore urinary function and relieve acute symptoms.
  • Specific therapy is supplemented with vitamin and mineral preparations, immunomodulators.

In the early stages, uncomplicated inflammation heals completely.

Chronic prostatitis does not require hospitalization. The patient undergoes a course of antibiotic therapy at home, observing the necessary restrictions.

In parallel, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment for possible provoking diseases: bronchitis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, urogenital infections.

The main treatment without exacerbation is supplemented with physiotherapeutic methods: ultrasound procedures, magnetic therapy, laser exposure.

Alcohol, hot spices, marinades, pickles, fatty, canned and smoked foods should be excluded during therapy. It is recommended to include in the diet fresh herbs, vegetables, nuts, fish, lean meat.

The success of the treatment of the chronic form in each case depends on the duration of the disease, the existing organic tissue damage, concomitant disorders of the kidneys and bladder.